This is the oem oil filter of the MJ5 automatic transmission of Del Rey.
Referência Ford:
Ford Reference:
Other filter model for Del Rey. See that must have a low profile.
Referência Renault
Renault reference:
77 00 712717
Renault reference:
77 00 712717
Detalhes da referência Renault:
Reference details of Renault:
Nas transmissões MB:
In MB transmission:
77 00734655
In MB transmission:
77 00734655
Nas transmissões MJ:
In MJ transmission
77 00 739883
In MJ transmission
77 00 739883
Kit da Renault para a MJ3 com filtro e junta que eu adquiri:
Renault kit for MJ3 with filter and gasket that I got:
Renault kit for MJ3 with filter and gasket that I got:
A tampa do cárter da esquerda é do Del Rey e a da direita da MJ3. Observe a disposição dos ímãs. Estes eu passei para tampa nova.
The bottom pan at left is the Del Rey and the right MJ3. Note the arrangement of the magnets. I changed the magnets to new bottom pan.
Diferença na altura entre a MJ3 e a MJ5:
Difference in height between the MJ3 and MJ5:
Nâo vou ter mais problema de adaptação usando o filtro mais moderno.
I will not have more trouble of adapting using the modern filter.
I will not have more trouble of adapting using the modern filter.
Junta de borracha da tampa do cárter:
Molded rubber
bottom pan gasket
Molded rubber
bottom pan gasket
Referência Ford:
Ford reference:
Ford reference:
Adaptando um filtro do modelo mais moderno no Del Rey. Antes de serrar, colocar um tecido no pescador.
Adapting a filter of the latest model in the Del Rey. Before sawing, put a tissue in the pickup.